The Dead hunter!
I have just Completed the The quest to repel Shen Gaoren and Lao Shan Lung from the lil old lady of the village, my character Undersn was in top form with a few new Equipments, accepted quests from Nekoht for the Hypnocatrice and later attempted to complete "The beating of Royal Wings" and had succeeded ever so greatly, BUT! while the game was saving the PSP batteries ran empty and I figured oh well i'll continue tomorrow, How wrong was I as the next day after coming back from campus and discussing with my fellow hunter on a way to obtain tigrex materials (that darn tail) he recommended that I make an eager cleaver to get the job done even more easily than i had done before, so I turned on my psp loaded monster hunter and Voila thy saved game data is corrupted. there goes the great Undersn.