Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Road of a great Hunter.

Some people find it hard to play this game, I guess they lack the passion (and nerdiness) required to be a well off hunter like myself (I'm sure there are millions of hunters that are better than me)

So Do not fear, Klay is here and I will lay down a few tips to help you on your hunt.

Step 1: Gathering is crucial, no matter how much you have, you will always need more.
Step 2: Preparation is important, Know your enemy and know your quest requirements
Step 3: Always strive for something better, dont be satisfied with that Ukanlos armor you got there, go get a better one!
Step 4: Keep on hunting! hone your skills and make sure you always get better with every Fight, head to the training school and try to beat the clock and set records.
Step 5: Master every weapon! dont just use a single weapon be versatile and try everything out.
Step 6: That little piggy thats in your house is an important thing, stroke it and if its gets that jumping hearts it will improve your chances of getting rare materials.

Now those are just a few tips, now to get to the part where it counts, the strategy!

Note: I will only cover Boss monsters and I will not be quest specific(this is not a faq)

The first one you will encounter would be the Giadrome, this may be a troublesome foe at first until you figure out its moves, Dont attack aimlessly unless you have a long Sword or Great Sword because you will miss most of the time, with a great or long sword go head on and pummel the fool, with a hammer charge it up and knock it off its feet then pummel him on the ground some more, SnS and dual blades go for the sides, guns and bows must keep mobile and maintain constant fire, Lances and gunlances can get in real close with that guard. This applies to all the carnivore leaders (iodrome, velocidrome,gendrome)

I have a friend who is having trouble with this, she can get a hit on and usually gets run over, the best way is to use a great sword and attack the side rather than the head, and keep circling the beast, as soon as it charges chase after it with your sword sheathed, and run towards the side of its body and press traingle, dont bother charging since this boss isn't that tough, also for better results use SnS or dual blades they are faster.(wyvern fire just for sadistic hunters)

Its easier to hunt this than to hunt a Cephalos, as this boss is a big and easy target, stay at the side of its head and chop or smash, gunners can just use crags and clusters, nothing much to say about this drome, its not really weak to any element just gets dizzy with ice, but takes all the damage from the Raw damage of the weapon.

This is A newbies favorite Wyvern, Heck I remember my first Kut-Ku, Its attacks are a forward charge which will result in it falling or giving you a bite or peck or whatever a Kut ku does =.=" next is a fireball thrown forward a few times 3 maybe, a side ways fire ball attack where it spits to the left and right(this is its most vulnerable attack) and the usual tail swipe, I recommend counter attacks only, attack or use items directly after the kut ku does an attack its easy ^^ teach your cat to use bombs as this will render the kut ku stunned or throw a few sonic bombs at it. weak against water and aim for the head.

Exactly like the Kut ku, just stay away when its spitting poison, using its flash or if you know you cant get away fast enough, just stay under the legs. Fire is its weakness. the tail is the weakspot, and breaking the head crest will stop it from using its flash.

This is super easy, stay away when its raged or going to shock the ground, the best time to attack is when its charging its electric shot trough its mouth, you can get numerous hits on the neck(weak spot), if you want to attack it when it has just made a jump only hit it 3 times, if it doesn't fall roll away because it will either shock the ground, but if it doesn't then continue whacking away. this monster is weak against Fire but the Red one is weak against water.

Seems to be really tough and annoying at first, but its fairly simple, keep running around it and attack a few times after it charges, and when it does that ground scratch thing just stay away until it drops ad go for the face, don't attack it when it puts out its belly as it has harder armor then. Deodorants are useful if you get farted on. this monkey fears Fire and the green one is weak against Ice.

Daimyo Hermitaur:
This is so easy! Get an electric katana (eager cleaver) run around it while taking slices at its legs, when it falls roll between its legs and into its face and unleash your spirit blade attack, with any weapon its best to hit the face, this crab is weak against Electric elemental weapons, and pop a sonic bomb if it goes in the ground. the purple one however is weak against Ice.

Shogun Cenataur:
I dont know about you but i do this exactly the same way i do the Daimyo, only with more rolling as it has a spinning swipe.

Okay! I hate this allot! I really hate this monster, It always runs away, my only approach is to get a huge fire weapon and place a trap and totally destroy this thing. Go read a real faq on this monkey. But did you know if it does that punch thing just run towards it and roll when its fist comes to you and you wont get damage.

I recommend using a Gun for those who are unfamiliar with it, if you cant draw it out of the water or ran out of sonic bombs, look behind you (assuming you are in the jungle zone) there should be a bush which has frogs, so use the frogs to fish it out, make sure its not yet detected you, this Fish is weak against electricity. its neck is the weak spot so knock it off its feet if you can. Paralyzing attacks work real well.

This wyvern can be tamed with a water element weapon, Lances work best against it because you can use your shield more affectively, keep poking its chest and break the plating, if you are using any type of sword weapons just circle it and keep aware of its poison gas, Detonating bombs under its neck is also a great idea, if your weapon has a glowing sharpness level aim for its legs to drop it.

These are basically larger plesioth which deal heavy damage and can stun often, Monoblos are weak against Thunder while Diablos are weak against Ice. The weakspot is the tail and breaking horns will let you get crimson or twisted horn.

Yes I love this! The best way to kill this wyvern is by hitting its head, for beginners use traps and any dirty way to get rid of it, If you have a Black Scythe(dragon atribute) then you can show off to all your friends how you murdered so many of these wyverns. Just stay clear of its charge and fireball, and remember the head hurts the most ^^ good luck.

I wont teach you how to attack because attacking this beast is easy, I'll teach you how to dodge, When it comes Charging at you run towards it and roll ( you should fall) right into the right side of the screen, yes directly into its left arm and you will not get hit at all (jump at the point before its arm hits you) keep running sideways to keep away from all of its attack, and if you are fighting in the snowy mountains lure it to the walls that look flat and dark grey with slight gray spots, if it runs into it the Tigrex will get its jaw stuck. Its weak against electricity so the kirin thunder sword or Eager cleaver should suffice.

Yian Garuga:
With both the Two eared and one eared yian Garuga just use water weapons to render it dead, use the same strategy as the Kut ku only sonic bombs aren't as effective and the fireballs travel further now so be aware at all times, it also has a backspin tail attack like the one of a rathian so just take extra caution and you can tame this wolf in no time. Its weak spots are the head area behind the ears.

Still this is another Kut-Ku I use fire weapons on it and only fought it once so i cant really remember the moves sorry (>.<)

I realize that a Fire long sword works best, and i use a Basarios full armor set that makes me almost invulnerable to lightning, you should feel passionate when fighting this legendary horse and master your own way of dueling with it.

This is similar to the junior(Basarios) only that it has laser breath, and sometimes that Laser breath can cause explosions you can tell, if you see black smoke then its going to explode. It also has Sleep gas which is a pain, so use its armor to prevent sleep.

Kushala Daora:
This elder Dragon will provide you with good training on killing elder dragons like Treostra or Lunastra (for the charges and hovering anyway) its smart to stay close to this dragon and try your best to poison it so its wind aura becomes useless, and you can land more hits on it, stay to its left a little (right of screen) its attacks would be a wind cannon charges and a hovering wind cannon, while its hovering you can still deal damage to it, its weak against Thunder and Dragon elemental weapons (imagine if there were dual blades like that) you can break its horns and cut off the tip of its tail, its head is the weak spot and if you weaken it enough its wind aura will fail and a few minutes later it will flee the battle, for low rank hunters you can defeat him in 2 quests(all elder dragons are like that so take it easy)

Treostra and Lunastra:
Bombs bombs and bombs master your bounce bombs, poison to get rid of the fire aura. Dragon elementals work best, and do not fear the charge, because it does not chase after you it just runs either left or right all you got to worry about is the fire aura and bring along some imunizers so you don't have to worry about losing too much life, both are weak on the head part with dragon weapons and you can easily trip them by hitting their front legs.

Shen Gaoren:
Ok so here is what you need, At least a Rathalos fire-sword fire elemental 400+ or a Wyvern Blade Blood(my favorite), if you have anti quake armor its a bonus, start off by bombing it as it takes its first steps into the fort, after you done your bombing runs keep attacking its legs till all of them are red and keep attacking again till he falls then go for the face, if it reaches the Dragonator (the huge button thing) press it, (you have a lot of things in your base camp, bombs and ammunition for balista and cannon) use the bombs and balista's when ever you feel like it. and the dragonator has a 10 minute cool-down time so use keep it in mind. try using the dragonator when shen turns and opens its huge skull shell as it deals even more damage to its weak spot.

Lao shan Lung:
first kill every ioprey on the way to the dragonator(last Zone). Then trail Lao along the way on the ground, If you have a Anti Dragon Bomb(well of course you do) when lao reaches zone 3 it is possible to jump on its back by climbing up the last ledge and just falling unto it, place the Bomb and carve if you want, the Bomb will activate when lao knocks you off its back, its weakspot is the belly or you can just attack the face and neck to be safe, obituary armor works great against its tail swipes.Dragon weapons work great.

PSP Broken, What are the odds.

Oh how stricken may a Hunter Be, as the Wyverns Fly the sky, This Hunter is forced to Lay back his head.
Yes the title says it all, my PSP is dead broken, and i really need to get a new one.
Look At Klay Waving Goodbye, anyway if you realised I already Got the Tigrex tail, what a short lived Victory.
Now Here are some pics to show what were the last thing Klay managed to do.
Inherited Undersn's Obituary Armor
Well not a Full Obituary set, Missing the tasset, so I used the Death stench Bowels to make it look nice(Really don't wear an armor just cause its nice, wear it because it prevents you form dying.)

Re Born Klay Arise and accept your place!

Steel thine Hearts and Temper thy Skin for the hunt lives on!

This is my new character Klay(yes i named him after myself, how vain). Surprisingly Klay advanced more faster than his late master Undersn, probably because I learnt from my mistakes and started with great wisdom of this game with Klay.
As you can see Klay is sporting a Full Tigrex Set, I just love this armor the psychic vision is my ticket to not waste time.
Ah Taking down 2 plesioths has never been so easy with the help of the eager cleaver.
This is Klay Sporting a Basarios set, It wont be long before he gets a Gravios Set
As you can see my cat is called Allen.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

In Memory of Undersn

The Dead hunter!

I have just Completed the The quest to repel Shen Gaoren and Lao Shan Lung from the lil old lady of the village, my character Undersn was in top form with a few new Equipments, accepted quests from Nekoht for the Hypnocatrice and later attempted to complete "The beating of Royal Wings" and had succeeded ever so greatly, BUT! while the game was saving the PSP batteries ran empty and I figured oh well i'll continue tomorrow, How wrong was I as the next day after coming back from campus and discussing with my fellow hunter on a way to obtain tigrex materials (that darn tail) he recommended that I make an eager cleaver to get the job done even more easily than i had done before, so I turned on my psp loaded monster hunter and Voila thy saved game data is corrupted. there goes the great Undersn.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Search For the Tigrex's Tail.

Four Horns, undersn takes them all down at once.
I realized the regular Sand Brown Diablos is tougher than the black one.
Owning, Cant believe I completed this quest without much effort, I should have done it sooner.

The Quest.

This is how this silly thing began, I wanted to make the Tiger Katana and realized that I was missing 1 very important material, the Tigrex tail.

I already had 1 but i didnt remember how or when did I get it, now i need another to complete this very valuable blade that i wish to add to my arsenal of Katanas, I never had a neutral Katana Before (aside the Black Katana MKII that I never use). So here I am hunting countless amounts of tigrex, testing every way possible to get the tail, I tried Cutting of the tail only to be rewarded with the ever so abundant tigrex scale, I forged a weapon solely for hunting the Tigrex, the Kirin Thundersword, what a blast of nostalgia as I haven't used a great sword ever since I completed the first monster Hunter for the PS2.

So there I was swinging my new great sword, massacring countless Tigrex, but still The tail of this darn creature continues to elude me, how can that possibly be? I tries Avoiding the tail, cutting of the tail, Capturing the Tigrex in one piece, Capturing the Tigrex in 2 pieces(tail and body seperated) and still with no avail. Both quest Tigrex Roar and Absolute Power prove to be worthless for my pursuit.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It Has Begun!

As you see in the left side of the screen there is a picture of two dead crustaceans, those my weary reader are the corpses of 2 daimyo hermitours, I took both of them single handedly and clocked it only under 5 minutes, It might not be a great achievement but it was something. I was only equipped with a kirin Horn(helmet) Ioprey body(body armor) obituary arms, rathalos tasset and obituary legs, my Katana is a Death Scythe(the 700 damage + 200 dragon damage one not the 600 damage dark scythe), I also brought along my feline companion Bond on this quest. The funny thing is the Two Crabs couldn'
t even touch me, their moves were so predictable, so all i had to do was go for the legs than go for the face when they were down, all in a circular motion (I call it the daimyo Dance)

Now this one here is me killing two blangongas, this took longer than the daimyos because this pair was extreamly fast, i wasted 4 paintballs trying to tag them, they kept on running and I ran out of stamina running after them, I swithced my Death Schyte with a Dragon katana "blood"(big katana fan), this made quick work of these icy monsters as melted my way trough their cold defense, they almost killed me once but lucky for me my feline companion Bond was there to save the day if he didnt wake me up from the dizzyness i would have been a goner and lost some of that reward.

Aye aye Captain! A sailing I went to the Tropical jungle zone to encounter the poisonous pair, A purple Gypseros and a Normal one, Seriously! This was an Irritating Quest! one after another they kept interrupting me poison after poison, antidote after antidote, they manage tho reduce my pay by knocking me out once, but i prevailed and slaughtered these two poison chickens and made my way after that.

Well my fellow monster hunters I'm off to do the quest "four horns" now wish me luck and i will update pictures when i'm done, See ya at the front!